

Imagine an America where state of the art childcare is offered at the public elementary school around the block from your home, that you own because Congress mandated that each American own a home.

Imagine that your home was near a first-class medical center where you received your healthcare and medicines – and never paid a bill because Congress mandated zero deductible universal healthcare for all.

Imagine how much healthier you would be if you received preventative medical care, diet education, physical exercise programs and prompt medical care with no out of pocket costs.

Imagine that you received tuition free education with a stipend to further your education and upon completion of your education received at least basic income defined as an income to subsist. Because the cost of education and healthcare are provided to all citizens it becomes simpler to provide incomes that fulfil these criteria.

Imagine Congress passing tax rates that were in effect in 1952 or 1945 during a time when Congress and the President were trying to make America great? For your information the top marginal tax rate in 1945 was 95% and 1952 was 92%, both on incomes 1,800,000 in today’s dollars.

I ran for President of the United States in 2016 when I published the Pocketbook of Politics – My Plan to Reboot America. In 2020 I introduced the Reboot Americane emblazoned with the backbone of my plan – zero deductible universal healthcare, free education from birth to death, a basic income and tax like IKE. The cane also prevents falls (and prevents falling for political nonsense).

Donald Trump has been re-elected and it is my sincere belief that Donald Trump wants all Americans to have the best of everything, that he will make America great again, and provide for all Americans. I now call on all Americans to tell President Trump we want the Reboot America Plan right now.

If we join forces together, we can make America the greatest because that is what it will be when we all have free education from birth to death, a basic income, zero deductible universal healthcare and roof over your head.

This is the mission of my business, and I am asking you to make it part of your business to become a member and through your hard work receive both a democracy dividend and a cash dividend. Yes, each time you bring a member who purchases a product, you will receive a commission. It is very rewarding to educate someone for the benefit of them and their neighbors and family.

Make MONEY by joining my team!

Make it your business. Join me in Rebooting America. Buy the Pocketbook of Politics and the Reboot Americane and go to work educating yourself and those around you of the importance of politics. Please join me today in this most important endeavor.

And high hopes to us all (song). For those who do not know High Hopes sung by Frank Sinatra was President John F. Kennedy’s 1960 campaign song. Click here to play my version

Education is the backbone of this operation. Facts and knowledge are the greatest persuaders, and we will use such to convince all Americans to reboot America. It is my goal to get the book and AmeriCane in every home in America.

I am starting a business. Selling product and concepts... To reboot America, and its democracy. Our manual will be the "Pocketbook of Politics" which is My plan to reboot America. The principal messages include free education from birth to death, 0 deductible Universal healthcare, a guaranteed basic income for all and much more.

I want each American to be a member of this company. You will receive a 10% Commission on all new members' purchases that submit your member number.

My Promise To The Community

Below is my detailed plan, from education to healthcare and many more. Click on any subject below to read the details.

My Promise

We can make America reach its full potential because that is what it will be when we all have free education from birth to death, a basic income, zero deductible universal healthcare and roof over your head.

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Monday-Saturday: 9am - 5pm